Teen Parent Services

Taonga Education Centre offers the following teen parent services:

Teen Parent Social Services

Teen Parent Intensive Case Workers (social workers) and Teen Parent Co-ordinators (support workers)

To assist, advocate and support Teen Parents and their Pepe/Tamariki whose social and health needs are not being addressed and to access quality support services within the wider community.

To refer a client please use the Teen Parent Referral Form.

Teen Parent Unit (TPU)

The Teen Parent Unit (TPU) is in partnership between James Cook High School and the Taonga Education Centre Charitable Trust.

The TPU offers:

  • A positive and supportive learning environment where academic achievement is a priority.
  • The opportunity to complete National Certificates in Educational Achievement Levels 1, 2 and 3.
  • Experienced, high quality staff.
  • A safe and caring environment with other teen parents.
  • STAR courses and the Gateway programme.
  • Holistic education programme which includes te reo Māori, Health, Parenting skills, Early Childhood education, Lifeskills, Sport and Recreation.

Students have access on-site to social workers, support workers, health carers and their children can attend Potiki Early Childhood Centre. Taonga actively promotes a wide range of learning experiences for the students and provides ongoing opportunities for them to acquire independence and leadership skills.

Transport is provided to and from the TPU daily.

To refer a client please use the Teen Parent Referral Form

Teenage Mother’s Accommodation

Te Whare o Taonga

Te Whare o Taonga is a supported house for five (5) young mothers and their pepe/tamariki to live and complete a programme that will support and guide them into independent living and parenting their pepe/tamariki safety and free from abuse and neglect. This programme was opened in January 2011 and is staffed 24/7.

The benefits of having such a facility are safety for both the mother and the child, a non-judgmental and nurturing environment with support services in place, an opportunity to gain home-care and life-skills in preparation for independent living, the building of trusting relationships with other teen mothers and their babies, an opportunity to complete their education, the retention of primary care of their babies with the added advantage of influence of positive role models and mentors.

To refer a client please use the Teen Parent Referral Form


Are you a teenager living in Counties Manukau having a baby?

Taonga Education Centre offers pregnant teens and their whaanau education and support to guide you through to welcoming your baby and becoming a parent.

Childbirth Education Sessions

In partnership with Counties Manukau District Health Board we offer FREE childbirth education sessions specifically for teen, their supporters and whanau.

Sessions are 2 x 5 hours over 2 days in Manurewa, Otara and Papakura.

You will learn about:

  • Healthy Pregnancy
  • Changes in Pregnancy
  • Labour and Birth
  • Postnatal Care
  • Breastfeeding and Safe Sleep

Healthy morning tea and lunch provided.

Transport available if needed.

Mama Awhi

To provide peer support for pregnant teen parents during pregnancy and up to 6 weeks post-natal within Counties Manukau area.

To refer a client please use the Antental Referral Form